Saturday, 27 September 2014

Advantage Conversion and Quick Winning

I have received a couple of interesting games and questions from the STUDENTSduring the last several days. We’ll be analyzing your questions tomorrow, on my webinar “How to Win a Won Game?”
In addition to that, of course I’ll share with you some practical recommendations from my coaching & playing experience. All in all, I’m sure on Saturday webinar you’ll learn a lot of useful ideas, and we’ll certainly have fun as well :)
For those who have not registered for the webinar yet, you still can do so NOW.
This time you have a unique opportunity to join the webinar for FREE. All the other webinars was and will be paid. Hence, this is a 1-time opportunity, don’t miss it out!

  • The registration for the webinar is now working flawlessly.
After I’ve published info about this webinar a few days ago – we got thousands of people trying to register. Frankly, we did not expect such a massive audience. The web-page went down due to high traffic, and some of the students were unable to sign up. I’m really sorry about that.
I’m glad to let you know that all the technical troubles are resolved, and now you can register for the webinar flawlessly.
  • The webinar’s recording will NOT be published afterwards.
The only way to get it is to register for the webinar now. Then – no matter if you attend the live webinar or not – you will get the webinar’s recording.
While observing the games you’ve sent me, I’ve noticed that pretty often students made mistakes in time trouble. Indeed, it’s easy to spoil even a very advantageous position when you have to play every move within a few seconds.
This brings us to 2 main questions:
1.     How to find proper moves QUICKLY (preventing time troubles)?
2.     What should you do if you got into time trouble already (or if you play a blitz game)?
Let me remind you that I’ve developed a special mini-course dedicated to this topic – “Quick Success in Chess”.

<< Learn “Quick Success in Chess” (it’s FREE) >>

P.S. I look forward to talk to you tomorrow (Saturday, 27 September) at my webinar “How to Win a Won Game” ! We still have a few seats available – hurry up! Details and registration: LINK

How to convert “a better position” into a WIN?

While playing a chess game, quite often you can obtain a SUPERIOR position.
  • It could happen thanks to your good opening preparation.
  • Sometimes your opponent plays badly.
After that you face the famous question in chess: “How to win a won game?”question-mark-300x300
This is not as simple as it seems. An opponent gets tricky and tries to mix the things up. Often you have to play precise moves under time pressure. Then you can spoil a good game, not getting a well-deserved win.
Of course you can blame “that lucky guy” (your opponent) for that, or grieve for“an oversight in time trouble”. That’s what most players do in such cases :)
However, obviously there’s a better option. You can learn appropriate techniques and always finish your opponents off! Look at “chess killers” like Topalov, Carlsen, Adams etc. In a worse position, nobody can escape from them.
If your wish to acquire those skills of “a chess killer” – you are welcome to join my webinar on Saturday 27 September (4p.m., BST). You can get all the details and sign up for the webinar here:


Live Webinar

How to Win a Won Game?

by IGM Igor Smirnov


Live webinar “How to Win a Won Game?”


GM Igor Smirnov

Date:Saturday, 27th  September at 4p.m. (16:00) BST – London time.

90 minutes.


limited to 100.


Premium ticket = $20. Special offer = FREE (spread the word about RCA and get your ticket for free)

*The registration will be closed 2 hours before the webinar.

Webinar’s host and content

The webinar will be conducted personally by me – GM Igor Smirnov. Most likely you know me pretty well, but if not – check this LINK
AML_7851 copy

<< Great news >>

You can join the webinar FOR FREE

You can get a FREE ticket for GM Smirnov’s webinar by spreading the word about it:
1.         Invite your 3 friends to join the webinar.
2.         “Like and share” it on Facebook or Google+.
You may send 1-3 of your games related to the webinar’s topic. We guarantee that at least 1 your game will be analysed:
During the webinar;
You will receive a pgn file with comments for your game after the webinar.
Please, note that your games Unrelated to the webinar’s topic, may be ignored.
You are welcome to submit your ANY questions. You may send your questions related to the webinar’s topic, or any other questions you have.
Please, note that the time of the webinar is limited. We can’t answer all students’ questions. Hence, we will select the questions based on:
  • First come, first served basis
  • Additionally, we’ll pick the most popular questions amongst the students.
After you have registered for the webinar, you’ll be given the chance to submit your games and questions.


Special Offer

Premium ticket

  • Attend the webinar



  • Submit your games


  • Submit your questions




$20 USD

buy now

P.S.Please note that seats are limited to 100 students. Registrants from 101 onwards will get a recording of the webinar. However, it’s much more exciting to join the LIVE webinar, so hurry up!

Good News: join the webinar for FREE!

The webinar’s price is really small compared to the skills and results you’ll obtain. However, I know that some of the students live in developing countries and can’t afford any additional expenses.
I’ve thought about what I can do for such students and have come up with a good idea! Help us spread the word about Remote Chess Academy, and you’ll get your ticket FOR FREE.
That’s really easy, and I hope that this time everyone will be happy! :)

<< Join GM Smirnov’s webinar FOR FREE >>


Now let’s check how you should NOT play in won positions :)

Caruana – NakamuraCaruana-NakamuraWhite’s turn
White is a pawn up and is pressuring Black’s position hardly. It’s almost winning.How to turn that “almost winning” into a real full score? What would you play as White?
Actually there are even a few ways for a quick win. You might be surprised to know that Caruana (rated 2801!) – managed to drew it!
After you came up with your own solution, please, check the actual game here:LINK
P.S. This time I allow FREE entry for my webinar, while there are only 100 seats available. It’s not that much compared to around 25,000 of my subscribers :) Hurry up!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Opening Traps & A New Course in Spanish

NOW it’s the last chance to sign yourself up for the upcoming webinar“Chess Opening Disasters and Traps” (Sunday, 21 September).
  • You’ll learn how to eliminate opening troubles in your games.
  • IM Alex Kundin will reveal some of the most effective opening traps your opponents will likely fall for!
  •  You can read all the details, and sign up for the webinar here:LINK
Let’s have a little test of your skills right now.
After the moves 1.e4-e5 2.Nf3-Nc6 3.Bc4, Black – seeking simplification – can blunder away a pawn with 3…Nd4. What would be your initial impulse with White?
Pos1How would you play here as White?
Although this trap is pretty simple, you can’t imagine how often White players fall right into it! According to my database, 4.Ne5 is the 2nd most popular choice! :)198 Players played 4.Nd4, while 155 overly optimistic guys captured the pawn with 4.Ne5.
After 4.Ne5-Qg5 White realizes what’s wrong, but now it’s too late…
Pos2Surprisingly, White is lost!
I will not analyze the position thoroughly – it’s pretty simple and you can work out the details yourself. The most natural game continuation is 5.Nf7-Qg2 6.Rf1-Qe4 7.Be2-Nf3#
Pos3White was mated in 7 moves!  :)
Being a chess coach, I must teach students to play properly and avoid tricky lines. However, I do agree that some opening traps work very well, especially in blitz games and/or against club players.
You can learn another nice example of an opening catastrophe from a free video lesson, “Chess Opening Disasters”, prepared by our guest coach IM Alex Kundin:LINK
If you wish to get some nice victories right at the starting phase of a game, you may join our Sunday’s webinar: LINK

There’s good news for Spanish-speaking students. The course, “An Endgame Expert”, is now available in Spanish language:

<< Get the Course in SPANISH Now >>

I’m not sure why, but very often I receive messages from Spanish-speaking students, who ask me to provide the courses into their mother tongue. Hence, I’m glad to present this new translation for you.
By the way, three other courses have been translated to SPANISH already:
  • The Grandmaster’s Secrets“: LINK
  • The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory“: LINK 
  • How to Beat Titled Players“: LINK 
Each additional language pack for a course that you already own is only $7. For example, if you own an English version of the course, “The Grandmaster’s Secrets”, you can get its Spanish version for just $7. Get your Language Pack here: LINK

If you don’t even have an English version of the course, “An Endgame Expert“, this might be a good time to study it!

<< Get the Course in ENGLISH Now >>

With this one course, you’ll learn everything you need to become an expert in endgames. 
I do receive messages from students all the time. In the past I used to publish them regularly, but then I stopped because there were simply too many of them.
Still, it might be interesting for you to know about the experiences of other students. Hence, I’ll provide a few right here.
I bought my first course back in November, and I was immediately hooked. I own dozens of chess books, read dozens more, and I learned more in that one course than all of them combined…
 This week I beat an opponent 250 rating points higher than me, and in doing so I achieved my highest online rating ever. Before my rating was padded from playing lots of weaker competition; now I’m doing it against players I never thought I’d consistently beat!
 Johnathan Petit

I have purchased and trained every course and I am now enjoying the benefit of no-nonse chess knowledge. So far I have only lost a single serious game last year and none this year, so my rating will raise as I continue to win. The courses by Igor Smirnov is by far my best investment.

Hello sir,
I am a chess player from India rated 2250.
I have studied your Dvd’s and improved a lot in all stages of the game. Last time after studying Endgame Expert, I improved a lot and won some games too in serious tournaments.
Praneeth Surya, India

  • Webinar “Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”: LINK
  • Free video lesson “Chess Opening Disasters”: LINK
  • “An Endgame Expert” in EnglishLINK
  • “An Endgame Expert” in SpanishLINK 
 There’s simply NO way for you NOT to become a strong chess player… :)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Chess Opening Disasters and Traps

Our guest coach IM Alex Kundin has prepared a new lesson for you: “Disaster in the Opening”. You’ll learn useful opening concepts while enjoying a really nice attacking game!

Watch the video here

Have you enjoyed the final position of the game from the video? It’s really cool, doesn’t it? :)
Have YOU ever experienced huge troubles right in an opening? That’s quite normal actually, even strong players fall into opening traps from time to time. Club players fall apart in an opening on a regular basis :)
In this lesson you’ve observed 1 interesting example of an opening catastrophe. If you wish to train and improve your practical skills in this area, you are welcome to join Alex Kundin’s webinar “Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”on Sunday, 21 September at 4pm BST.
In this training session you will improve your opening skills, preventing opening disasters in your games. In addition to that, Alex will reveal the most effectiveopening traps beginners always fall for!

Live Webinar

“Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”

by IM Alex Kundin


Live webinar “Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”


IM Alex Kundin

Date:Sunday, 21st  September at 4p.m. (16:00) BST – London time.

90 minutes.


limited to 100.


Premium ticket = $10. (note: only premium tickets are available for this event)

*The registration will be closed 2 hours before the webinar.


What is “a webinar”?

During a webinar, you have communication with a coach in live mode. A coach tells you the tasks, while you can ask your questions. This is real TRAINING, which develops your SKILLS. Hence, you’ll be able to improve your chess strength properly during the webinar.
A video lesson or a text article provides some information to you. Any chess player can find tons of information about a chess game on the Internet. So what? Has this overabundance of content made you a strong player? Probably not.
 Information does not affect your play. Only a new SKILL can do so.

“Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”

In this webinar you’ll train the following skills:
  • Exactly how to eliminate mistakes in an early stage of a game.
  • How to handle opening complications?
  • How to eliminate unnecessary risk from your play?
  • Chess opening traps beginners always fall for.
Host: IM Alex KundinKundin
  • International Master.
  • Former Europe youth champion.
  • An experienced chess coach who has prepared a lot of strong players all around the world.
  • Alex specializes in chess openings where he has extensive knowledge.
You can learn free Kundin’s lesson about “Disasters in the Opening” here: LINK 
You may send 1-3 of your games related to the webinar’s topic. We guarantee that at least 1 your game will be analysed:
During the webinar;
You will receive a pgn file with comments for your game after the webinar.
Please, note that your games Unrelated to the webinar’s topic, may be ignored.
You are welcome to submit your ANY questions. You may send your questions related to the webinar’s topic, or any other questions you have.
Please, note that the time of the webinar is limited. We can’t answer all students’ questions. Hence, we will select the questions based on:
  • First come, first served basis
  • Additionally, we’ll pick the most popular questions amongst the students.
After you have registered for the webinar, you’ll be given the chance to submit your games and questions.


Standard ticket

Premium ticket

  • Attend the webinar



  • Submit your games


  • Submit your questions



Not available

$10 USD

Buy Now

*Only premium tickets are available for this event
P.S.Please, note that the seats are limited to 100 students. The questions will be answered on “first come, first served” basis. If you wish to participate – please,register NOW.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Baron Ultimate Staunton in Bud Rosewood Chess Pieces

X3019 - Baron Ultimate Staunton in Bud Rosewood Chess Pieces

Baron Ultimate Staunton in Bud Rosewood Chess Piecesmore...

X3019 Baron Ultimate Staunton in Bud Rosewood Chess Pieces

King Height 6 inch. Base Diameter 1.75 inch. Triple Weighted 127g. Balance 13%
Certificate of Authenticity included.

This product from Chess Baron: The awsome Baron Ultimate. This is the Bud Rosewood version of the remarkable X2019. You'll love it or hate it, but to anyone it's nothing short of a work of art. It's made in the finest and the most beautiful wood. The design humbles us - the Ultimate is beautiful, majestic and gives perspective. The architectural craftsman that thought through this chess design with the sizing of the pieces and the Bud Rosewood material deserves honour indeed. It's not just a chess set, it's a historical work of art that will, like a Henry Moore sculpture or a Michaelangelo painting, appreciate over time and be valued by successive generations. The golden hues of the wood colouring are exquisite. The Bud Rosewood material (from the root of the Rosewod tree) is highly polished to lift the depth of colour that makes this wood the sought after material it is. The board for this luxury chess set needs to be one with 2 inch squares to do justice to the piece sizes.

Chess Sets by Chess Baron: Because we know you care - we care. Buy Peace of mind - Buy Chess Baron.
Chess Case Picture C2023      Chess Board Picture B2009

- See more at:

Get now