Self-Taught GM

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Description of the course:


“Why do Some Players
Play BETTER Than Others?”
Really, why? A lot of people play and study chess. However, only 1-3% of players have really good achievements (titles, prizes…). What is different about this successful minority from the rest?
It is NOT a matter of talent. I have observed thousands of different players, and I can state it with confidence. Yes, you need to have chess talent for the highest chess achievements (over 2600-2700 rating). However, anyone can become a titled player and get +200-300 rating points.
It depends on your TRAINING.
At the same time I know a lot of players who study chess 8 hours a day (more than many GMs), but don’t have any real progress. Thus, the major factor here is not how much you train, but HOW you train.
Here we come to one of my favourite topics – an effective training.
Lack of Chess School.
“Education in chess goes on in a most haphazard fashion.” (E.Lasker)
There is no system of education in chess. There was a system in former USSR (and it gave great results), but that has long passed.
A chess player (or a chess teacher) is a job; and the same applies to all other professions,it requires a special system of preparation.
For some strange reason many chess players don’t understand this. They think that it is enough to buy some chess books, to read them, to have some practice, and “voila” – you are a strong chess player. Smile
What if doctors (let’s say surgeons) start using the same method of learning? Luckily, they don’t do it. Otherwise they would sometimes cut off something by mistake. Smile
What is the Solution?
In order to progress in chess, you need to not just train, but to train the RIGHT things. You need to have a training program (training plan), which will give you a comprehensive system of chess knowledge. You need to acquire the necessary skills at the right time.
Also you need to use EFFECTIVE training methods, which REALLY give you improvement.
It is my intention to help you with for this purpose; I have developed a special course “Self-taught Grandmaster”.
If you want to progress in chess, BUT you:
  • Live in a small city.
  • Don’t have a chess coach.
  • Don’t have a lot of time for training.
  • Don’t have an opportunity to play in strong tournaments regularly.
  • Want to get MORE benefit out of your training.
Then my course is exactly for You!
What is the Point
of “Self-taught Grandmaster”?
I have combined the successful experience of: 
Former USSR chess Schools.
My own playing and teaching experience
Psychological knowledge about human brain functioning (and effective learning)
Thousands of my pupils.
Now you can get the most effective training methods, which have proved its high efficiency.
I will show you WHAT to do, HOW to do it and what MATERIALS you should use. You will get a clear guide, a clear map for your chess progress.
Chess course “Self-taught Grandmaster”
contains the video lessons.
 Lesson-1: “How to Use Your Brain Effectively”.
In this lesson I’ll give you the essential knowledge: how your brain works. Then you will understand how to study chess effectively. More specifically, you will learn:
How the brain works and how to use it effectively.
The general principles of effective study.
It will help you to improve ANY skill (NOT just chess skills) effectively!
How to get the MAXIMUM benefit from your chess training.
How to coach yourself (and other people) well.
The common mistake of chess players, which prevents them from getting a real benefit out of their chess knowledge.
The main problem in teaching chess; the main problem in learning chess.
What is the main goal of chess training?
How to get (and automate) new chess skills.
What is the fastest way for chess progress?
 Lesson-2: “The Best Training Techniques.”
Here I will share with you the most effective training methods in chess. They will make your study effective and your progress constant.
How to digest chess knowledge easily.
2 main training methods in chess.
The key idea of the Botvinnik-Kasparov chess school.
The MOST POWERFUL idea concerning chess training.
How to study chess alone?
How to get benefit out of blitz games and tactical puzzles?
When should you participate in tournaments?
The exact tools and programs for successful training.
And many other useful tips…
Lesson-3: “Get The Best Out Of Books, Games, Computer And Other Training Tools.”
In this 3rd lesson I will tell you how to use different training tools effectively. I will give you exact instructions, so you will understand clearly how and what you should do. Also you will know:
A plan for analysis of other players’ games (for printing)
A plan for analysis of YOUR own games (for printing)
The best FREE program for chess databases.
How to develop your chess understanding.
How to get a REAL benefit out of chess books.
Where to find the HIGHEST quality chess games.
How to get huge chess databases for free.
How to get GREAT value from your training games?
The best chess engines (and how to get them for FREE).
The common misunderstanding of chess players concerning tactical puzzles.
What is the best way to improve your tactical skills (99% players don’t know it).
Lesson-4: “Your Training Program.”
In the next few lessons I’ll tell you WHAT to study. I will give you a complete training program from the beginner to expert level.
In this lesson we will analyze the 1st block called “+300 Spurt”. It means that from the start you can get about 300 rating points relatively quickly. It works for players under 1700 and sometimes even under 2000 rating.
After this training block you will:
Overcome blunders.
Start playing well CONSTANTLY.
Beat weaker opponents easily.
 Lesson-5: “Chess School.”
This training block will make you a good intermediate player. I’ll tell you the main problem of self-trained players (and how to overcome it).
You’ll know exactly how (and why) stronger players win against weaker opponents.
The bottom line is this: your chess results will become STABLE. This is a necessary factor for your further chess development.
 Lesson-6: “High School.”
Your next goal is to become A STRONG player. This is why you will now go to the “High School”. Here you will learn:
What is the main difference between a strong and an intermediate player?
You will get a list of topics that you need to master (for printing).
I will recommend you some good books for this level.
We will fix your chess weaknesses.
You will improve your opening knowledge.
You will develop your special style of playing.
And you will improve your planning skills.
The “High School” makes you a strong player and you will probably become a titled player after that.
 Lesson-7: “Breakthrough!”
After studying “High School” you will become a strong player and start taking part in strong competitions. Then you will be faced with a new problem: How to beat strong players?
You will get the necessary advanced (extra) skills in this block.
Also I’ll tell you:
What chess books are worth learning?
What if I only have a limited amount of time for chess training?
Chess course “Self-taught Grandmaster”
contains the practical part.
The practical part will help you to turn your knowledge into practice. After a performing of a special set of training tasks, you will really get the appropriate SKILLS. This way you will get better in chess right after studying the course.
The practical part of the course contains:
 20 special training tasks.
Including special anti-blunder training, rational time distribution training, tactical training and many more…
200 commented games and puzzles.
Here I will explain to you in detail the Grandmasters’ way of thinking. Thus you will be able to copy it and to get the same GMs’ results!
Detailed Instructions about What and How you should train.
It will help you to train yourself properly and to achieve an optimal outcome from the program.

  1. “I won a 9 game GM Norm!”

    Jose Gascon, IM (Venezuela):

    Hi i am a 15 years old boy from Venezuela, a Country where for me its really difficult to find a good coach…im a player that usually have a performance of 2100 in tournaments and a rating of 2000 …

    so when i see the web i see it as a chance to have a improvement of my chess. i study the course the GM Secrets and thats increidible how GM Igor Smirnov explains the most importants ideas. i began to use this ideas on tournaments and i quickly recover the money by winning Open tournaments with a lot of adult players (and thats not the best in June 2010!!)

    I placed second shared first with 7/9 and performance of 2300 in the National of Experts and Masters that were playing 3 IM , 3 FM and all the other players are National Masters and National Experts. I was one of the few players without a title and i won my first title at the age of 14 !!

    National Master ?? thats not the best!! recently i become the youngest International Master of my country by winning the Central American and Caribbean Junior Championship with 6,5/9 and performance of 2270. appart in this tournament i won a 9 game GM Norm.

    I am really really happy with your courses and how they make effects in my chess. The best of the course is that only not explains a system of thinking in chess !!! Explains how to teach yourself and how to prepare for specific games and tournaments !!!

    So i highly recommended to invest a few money buying this course and let Igor do all the rest!!! Congrats Igor Smirnov and really thanks for your help as a next objetive im planning to become GM at the age of 18!!!!! reading all your courses and following your training method !! Thank you again and bye bye…
  2. “8 months ago i just started playing. Now I am 1800, and moving up fast.”

    Vladimir Dragovic (Serbia):

    hello Igor,

    your new course is what was needed!

    it brings all that i went thru in your previous courses on new, deeper level of understanding.

    I am so surprised, and on second thought i am not. it is now obvious that you deeply understand the teaching proces.

    i am so glad that i can proudly tell that thru your video courses i had and still have profound guidance.

    about 8 months ago i just started playing. now i am around 1800, and moving up fast.

    i am aware that soon it is not going to be easy at all to brake elo barriers, but i just want to play good chess. i started competing for a chess club. and for the record, i am 49.

    From your new couse i learned that rethinking about what was understood, polishing thinking proces and cleaning foundation or basics is firm ground for improvement. it is so great to go thru your previous couses with new excitement at the same time playing these new tests you set for us.

    thank you very much for coaching! i think i can say that even i am not strong player at the moment, the way i feel the game now brings me confidence which makes me opened for achievement.
  3. “The Search For Worlds Best Chess Training Techniques Ends Here”

    Riyaz Ahamed (India):

    Hi sir, I am Riyaz chess coach from India. I want to tell few words about your course.

    ‘The Search For Worlds Best Chess Training Techniques Ends Here’.This New Self-Taught GM Course Extremely New weapon for coaches, it clearly describes any one can become GM’s through this training Techniques.

    The results of my students and my friends’ students can easily show the success. Ram Aavind, India who became a National Champion few months ago Now recently he got Two Gold Medals in Asian youth Classical & Rapid tournaments and also he won many tournaments at TN State Level Tournaments.

    Of-course he is your student because he uses your uncountable valuable courses. It cant be valuate with only money because you are giving big by tacking less.
  4. “I finish in 1st place in my last tournament!”

    Kesaris Aggelos (Greece):

    I am A. kesaris from Greece. I study chess about 10 years and about 4 to 8 hours a day. My chess results were not so good as I expect. It was obvious that i do something wrong.

    I start training with some Greek Gms and they help me a lot.

    But, I make a real progress in chess when I start see the free video lessons of mr. I. Smirnov and especially when I study the Grandmaster secret! No one else, really, give before this concrete system of thinking… After that I really enjoy to play chess games and I know that I make the best moves in the position.

    With the new chess course of mr. Smirnov self-taught grandmaster I can organize everything and perfectly!

    The other really important thing with this course is that he gives to us the theory and the knowledge, which we need to learn in different levels. The difficult think is not to find the material. The difficult thing is what and when we must learn something.

    I love psychology. Especially the human’s psychology. It is very effective in real chess games. I start psychology books but I didn’t always take useful information. With this course I solve a lot of my questions!

    I am chess trainer. I had create a system of training and the structure of material. Now I am 100% sure that I am in the correct way and I completely know what I can say to children and how to prepare them to be ready for the next chess level, starting study mr. Smirnov’s chess courses.

    The conclusion is that I am really enjoy to study and play chess regularly and now I do it with more success!

    I finish in 1st place in my last tournament! So I will take the opportunity and say that your course helps me a lot! I can prove it with practical results!
  5. “It provides the students of any age a clear path for becoming a GM or at least an IM in 3-5 years.”

    Jai Prakash Singh (India):

    The course ‘Self Taught Grandmaster’ by GM Igor Smirnov takes different elements from Russian & Ukranian chess schools and educational psychology and integrates them in a new chess course.

    It provides the students of any age a clear path for becoming a GM or at least an IM in 3-5 years. This course answers clearly “how to effectively utilize so much chess material available these days in a limited time to grow in chess tournaments?’.

    It also provides suggestions about ‘How to effectively use GM Igor Smirnov’s other courses?’ to become a GM or IM soon.

    A set of 200 very instructive and annotated high quality games have been provided as practical tasks to provide the student a full range of training.

    Further, GM also provides a link to download his own set of one lakh computer games in the text of lesson 3, if you wish to study more games in your opening areas.

    Overall, ‘Self Taught Grandmaster’ is a complete course for any chess player or coach who wishes to realize his dream of becoming a GM or IM himself or wishes the same for his/ her students.

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