GM's Opening Lab

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If you want to become one of them,
then you are welcome to:

“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

It will give you a complete opening repertoire on the GM’s level
and will make your pre-game preparation extremely effective!
There is no guarantee that you will always win, BUT
I guarantee Your Maximum Chances For A Win!
 In modern chess, computers have made opening preparation a very powerful and evendecisive factor. Strong players spend most of their training time on opening analysis. There are serious reasons for doing that. Every chess player can recollect the situation like this:
your opponent makes a pretty strong move, which is a novelty for you, in the opening. You start feeling nervous and thinking for a long time about a good answer.
In the same time, your opponent is calm and confident. Of course he has already analyzed your possible answers and knows all of them in advance. It makes your problems even more difficult to overcome.
Similar situations to this bring very annoying losses Frown. You understand that have lostnot because your opponent was stronger, but simply because of your bad opening preparation.
Certainly, an opening preparation cannot guarantee a win. And I do not recommend you become obsessed with trying to study all the openings. I am absolutely sure that your general understanding of a chess game is a much more important factor.
However, an opening preparation will considerably increases your chances of success.
Let me say a few words about different opening materials. There is a huge quantity of different opening materials: opening books, DVDs, video lessons, encyclopedias, etc.
Unfortunately, they don’t help to IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS really. Why? Let’s clarify what these materials are.
By my own experience (I have studied a lot of different materials), I can conclude that there are 2 main categories of the opening materials:
  • A collection of a large quantity of opening variations without normal text commentaries.
    Different opening encyclopedias, informants, etc. are included in this category. The main purpose of such materials is to confuse a chess player and create a chaos in his head Smile
    By the way, I am not joking really.
  • The lectures (books, articles) of a strong (or not so strong) chess player.
    In these lectures the author usually tells the well-known variations of the given opening with superficial comments. Such lectures can be used for preliminary acquaintance with an opening. But it is only the beginning. It is obviously not enough for serious study.
Sometimes it is possible to find a good book about a concrete opening. It could be useful stuff, but even such books have 2 serious shortcomings:
They contain only the well-known variations and games. Nobody wants to share their own analysis, novelties and so on.
They contain a lot of unnecessary information. It makes it hard to use it PRACTICALLY.
Let’s say such book contains 100 pages. Your opening repertoire contains 30 opening (15 for white + 15 for black). Thus you have to study, remember and use 3000 pages of the opening variations. 1 life time could be too short for that Wink
That’s why it is hard to use such opening materials for a pre-game preparation.

That’s why I’ve created the special opening course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”

This course will allow you to study the really powerful opening repertoire in a convenient and effective way!
The practical part of this course was designed not only for studying, but also specially for your pre-game preparation (during the tournaments)l. It will make your pre-games preparation quick and extremelly powerful.
So what exactly you will get from “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”? Here is my detailed answer.
Chess course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” containsthe video lessons.
Lesson 1: “Forget about the openings!”
In this lesson, I will tell you how to minimize your efforts and maximize your achievements in the opening preparation. You will know:
The practical recommendations of successful play in the opening stage.
The meaning of an opening preparation.
The strategic principles of playing the openings.
The right way of thinking in the opening, which will allow you to find the best moves in any openings.
The difference between opening preparation for different levels of players.
The typical mistakes in an opening preparation.
Lesson 2: “How to choose the openings?”
After a study of this lesson you will know:
The huge mistake which almost all the players (below the Grandmaster’s level) make.
How to increase your chances in the games against stronger opponents.
The concrete recommendations regarding which openings to play.
I will warn you against the wrong opening choices that make it much harder for you to play the opening successfully.
Which openings fit different levels of players better?
How to make the situation much more comfortable for you and uncomfortable for your opponent.
The practical recommendations which will help you to get the best effect from your training.
Which openings fit your style better and what actually a good style is?
When and how you should change your opening repertoire?
Lesson 3: “The practical description of all the openings”
In this lesson, I will tell you the PRACTICAL description of every main opening:
Is it a recommended choice?
It is a good opening exactly for you?
Which problems will you have if you start using this opening?
What it is necessary to be prepared for?
This lesson will develop your deep understanding of a chess game. Also you will know:
Which openings have forced some top Grandmasters to stop playing 1.e4 ?
Which openings will bring you good results during your whole chess career?
Which opening you should NOT use, even if they bring you good positions.
Which openings are necessary to play for EVERY chess player if he wants to become a Grandmaster?
Which openings will bring you the good practical results without much preparation work?
Lesson 4: “How to learn the openings effectively?”
During this lesson, I will show you the Grandmaster’s openings preparation in a real time mode! After learning the 4th lesson, you will clearly understand:
How to learn the openings (step by step instruction).
How to learn the openings quickly and effectively?
Why does the considerable quantity of opening material only take away more time and not bring real results?
How to use effectively the opening books, chess databases, and internet resources.
The typical mistake in the learning of an opening.
How to take the best effect from your opening preparation for your preparation before the tournament game.
How to use effectively the chess engines (like Fritz, Rybka, etc). Also you will find one very important warning here.
How to systematize your opening knowledge and get the “clear picture” of the concrete opening.
One important practical advice. The players who ignore it waste a lot of time on learning the openings without any real results.
The special recommendation from Anatoly Karpov, which he has used during the preparation for World Championship matches.
Lesson 5: “Your powerful opening repertoire.”
During this lesson you will receive the complete instruction regarding the proper study of the openings from the practical part of the course (and all other openings as well). Also you will study:
The psychological principles of an effective opening study.
Which elements are the most important during an opening study?
How to take get the best effect from training games?
The practical advice about how to apply your opening preparation during the real game. A lot of people have lost the games, because they didn’t know these rules!
How to improve your opening preparation and develop your opening repertoire? Three main Grandmaster’s secrets which allow players to win games in the opening stage.
 How do Grandmasters find the new ideas in the openings?
How to prevent an unpleasant opening surprise?
One really powerful resource, which will provide a qualitative change in your opening knowledge. I am 99% sure that you haven’t used it yet (or at least haven’t used all the advantages from this method).
"It is not the end of the course!
It is only a beginning..."
Chess course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” containsthe practical part.
After a huge practice (as a player and a coach) I have realized which openings work better for different level players. With pride, I want to offer you a 

You will receive all the materials necessary for learning these openings.
Thus, the practical part contains 35 opening lines for your complete opening repertoire. The materials presented for every opening:
The theory database in *.pgn format.
I have already selected all the best lines and have analyzed them. So you will study only the NECESSARY information. Again, you will not learn everything, but only what exactly you need. Using this way, you will study the opening quickly and effectively.
All the theory lines contain my text commentaries. These explanations will allow you to understand clearly all the important ideas and plans regarding this opening.
The selection of the most instructive games
(over 600(!) best games for all the openings).
These games will help you to realize better the standard plans and ideas of an opening. Again, you will not study everything, but only the best and only what exactly you need.
The detailed instructions about what and how exactly you should study.
It will guarantee that you will study the course properly and will get the best effect.
These materials will help you:
 To create your complete powerful opening repertoire on the Grandmaster’s level in a short period of time.
All the materials of the practical part are presenting in *.pgn format (the standard format of chess database). These materials are clearly systematized also.This will help you to use these materials for your preparation before the tournament games.
It will make your pre-game preparation easy, quick and extremely effective. You will be able to refresh (or even get) your knowledge in the certain opening easily.
 The materials of the practical part contain not only the theory lines, but my own analysis as well. You will find some novelties, which will give you a strong advantage over your opponents.
“It took the years for me to realize these things. And it took many months to prepare all these materials for you. Now you can study the complete powerful opening repertoire in 1 week!
By the way, the video lessons become more and more popular nowadays. Why?
It involves you in a teaching process and makes it more exciting and effective.
  1. “You can have this unique and practical useful coure material for a price of less than two books. What are you waiting for?”

    Werner Poets (Belgium), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Lab.”

    I’m Poets Werner, 39 years old.The method of GM Smirov to improve your chess is based on working on a solid way of playing by channelling your thought processes. This is not only explained in the course “The Grand Master’s secrets” but you also find there significant material to practice this method so you can make it as a second nature.

    Therefore I recommend to you to study first the course “The Grand Master’s secrets”. Noteworthy is that this GM Smirov in this course recommend not to invest too much time in the memorization of openings and instead emphasizes more systematic thinking about your moves. This method increases your understanding of the game and this gives you greater confidence.

    Yet the first thing someone is confronted with in a chess game is the opening. And after a number of games, were it goes already wrong in the first ten moves, one may have the tendency to deal with his opening repertoire. Moreover, if you play the opening of a chess game with confidence this will positively affected the further stages of the game.

    This is why, I assume, GM Smirnov has developed the course “The Grandmaster’s Opening Laboratory”. Here are the principles of the course “The Grand Master’s secrets” applied to the various kinds of openings. There is also a distinction between openings suitable for players below master level and master players or higher. It also explains why this is so.

    “The Grandmaster’s Opening Laboratory” gives you advice on building solid opening repertoire. You also get advice on opening lines which best fit the principles explained in the course “The Grand Master’s secrets” and to avoid developments in the game which require much knowledge of opening theory. That way you can make the most of own skills that you’ve acquired by studying the course “The Grand Master’s secrets”. I can assure you that it works.

    There are many books about openings. The problem is often that people, after reading such a book, will know how to play an opening game but not how it should after the opening phase. Therefore, GM Smirov has for every openings line which he suggest a great number quality games added according this line. Studying these games allows to get you inspiration for the further conduct of the game after the proposed opening line. These games are in pgn-format so you can go easily though them.

    You can have this unique and practical useful course material for a price of less than two books. What are you waiting for?”
  2. “…you will get a sound and honest repertoire that can be played up to master level and beyond.”

    Andreas Muegge (GER), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Lab.”:

    “It’s very tempting to study openings – who doesn’t want to get a good or winning position after a couple of moves? Unfortunately it doesn’t work this way and it’s not so obvious why. GM Igor Smirnov understands the dilemma and guides the chess student into the right direction.

    He shows how to learn the openings efficiently – any opening – and even better, he has prepared a complete opening repertoire, saving you a lot of time.

    It contains no shortcuts or exotic variations, you will get a sound and honest repertoire that can be played up to master level and beyond.

    I have used it in the last weeks and can say that it leads to exciting chess games. Does it make me a better player? Not without further work, but the focus is always on the basic principles of chess and I know clearly what to do in the middlegame where the real battle starts.”
  3. “… There is a lot of effort in these Videos, in addition to secrets.”

    Mohammad Naji (Egypt), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Laboratory” (and owner of a nice car: Mercedes Bens Cool):

    “Honestly I was so impressed from the Videos! I watched them all, and now I am learning the Practical exercises.

    I cannot say anything else except there is a lot of effort in these Videos, in addition to secrets !

    Although it needs a lot of exercise, but if I follow all your recommendations, I will not be lost in learning all the openings 
    :)Thanks a lot!

    Well, I will not recommend these videos to people who bought the other videos, because they will defently buy it.

    I will recomend it to people who is really (a lot of people) in a headache or trouble in wanting to master the Opening, which is a key to any Chess winning.

    Highly recommendable For Beginners and Professionals!”
  4. “The only thing I regret is I lost so much time looking for such a course!”

    Gyulia Mamedova (Azerbaijan), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Laboratory”.

    “I’ve started Igor Smirnov’s “Grandmaster’s opening laboratory” recently. I was sure I would have any results after I have finished it. But my chess skills are improving so fast that I decided to share my results for today with other chess funs.

    Yes, I’m just a chess fun! The course is so easy to absorb that even beginners can use it without any difficulty. I.Smirnov leads you during the course, answers all the questions arising, explains everything in a very simple way.

    I’m advancing step by step and believe in becoming more and more confident in chess by the end of the course.

    My father was a professional chess player. He left me a lot of books on chess theory -from easy ones to very hard. I tried to learn them by myself but gave up many times. Why? Because I got lost in the information.

    Now, after I. Smirnov’s recommendations the openings in the theory books are very clear to me to choose. I appreciate I.Smirnov for sharing the opening secrets with anybody who is really interested in chess. Learning chess with such a professional coach helps to improve the ability of thinking in advance, analyze the situation, build a good strategy and tactics to achieve it.

    The only thing I regret is I lost so much time looking for such a course! So, I advise you not to waste time and start it.

    I would like to finish with saying “There is no limit in what you can do, once you put your mind to it”. And chess is no exception.”
  5. “I got that ‘a-ha!’ feeling…”

    Pedro Milet (Brazil), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Lab.”

    “When I started playing chess competitively about a year ago, my first chess coach decided to teach me what he thought was a solid, coherent opening repertoire: the idea was to bring about Slav and Caro-Kann – type positions, where I would have a very solid position – and absolutely no idea what to do next!!

    The middlegame positions were always GM positions where I couldn’t find any plans; I felt lost and the game felt dry. Worse: I wasn’t learning much from the games.

    One year later, I stumbled upon Igor’s course: I was baffled by the simple yet effective advice Igor managed to pack in those lessons! I got that “a-ha!” feeling when I realized how wrongly I went about studying openings. For instance, before the master level, you shouldn’t learn openings that will beat other amateurs, you should learn openings that will bring positions that will strenghten your chess understanding!! Duh!!

    Then Igor sets out to teach you how to learn openings effectively and which openings are appropriate before and after master level. I must say I feel confident that I can now create a powerful opening repertoire that will finally bring the fun middlegame positions! And the ones that will actually teach me chess!”
  6. “HE IS SHOWING A LIVE DEMONSTRATION of how an International Grand Master prepares an opening…”

    Richard Dumoulin (France), owner of the chess course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

    “Well, what can I say? Not only is Igor giving excellent practical opening advice and material, revealing some chess champions methods etc… above all HE IS SHOWING A LIVE DEMONSTRATION of how an International Grand Master prepares an opening line with ChessBase!

    Personally, I find this already worth the money and I have run the videos several times to make sure I have grasped all the details.

    I was even surprised by the fact that an opening repertoire for White and Black was included as a bonus.

    Igor is basically providing the “fish” and the “how to fish”!

    What I also appreciate about the course is the honesty and the effort Igor has put in revealing his ideas and points of view.”
  7. “…these two courses simply invaluable as a help to save a lot of time and efforts.”

    Grygoriev Alexey (UKR), owner of the chess course “The GM’s Openings Lab.”:

    “I am amazed how much methodologically competently (step by step) this course (by the way, and the first course “The GM’s secrets” too) is made.

    The focusing goes on the most important ideas (without any “water” or unnecessary variants); it helps to build correct system of thinking in a head. The Course shows the basic strategic ideas of an opening on which it is necessary to concentrate your attention first of all. Thus it becomes clear why some openings (for example, Pirc or King’s Indian defense) which seems good at first sight, actually are doubtful enough – because they transfer these unresolved problems to the middlegame.

    In a course there are many practical recommendations which I have found useful to myself: how to work effectively with a database, how to use the computer for an openings’ studying etc. The practical part of a course – which helps to create a powerful opening repertoire both for white and for the black – deserves separate panegyrics.

    By the way, for those who want to study chess seriously – these two courses simply invaluable as a help to save a lot of time and efforts.”

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