Tuesday, 29 October 2013

GM's Opening Lab - 2


Its GM Igor Smirnov's birthday on Oct 28th! Another great thing is the release of the NEW opening course, “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory – 2

As he promised earlier, there will be “special offers” during the first days of release. Thus his long-term students will get the best conditions. The special offers will expire on November the 2nd.

You can get a 10 USD discount for the new course: “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory – 2“. Indicate the discount coupon GOL2 while placing your order and it will reduce the price for you.
The new course complements his previous opening course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” (LINK). You should not buy the 2nd course if you don’t possess the 1st one.
At the same time, he do understand that buying 2 courses simultaneously can be expensive. That’s why he’ll give you 10 USD discount for the 1st opening course as well. You can use the same discount coupon GOL2 while purchasing “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory” course and it will reduce its price.

The first 50 buyers will get a free BONUS of his personal support while studying the course. You’ll be able to send him your questions and get them answered. This will ensure that you digest the course’s material well.
The next 100 buyers will get his answers as well, but will not be able to ask their questions.
Please note that 150 is not so much when compared to 20,000+ of his on-line students. However, he can’t serve too many people personally and that’s why the amount is limited.
Initially he had doubts if he should provide any other bonuses. But today he is in a good mood, so here we go. :)
Perhaps he’ve never made so many “special offers”. This will be the last one.
Most of his long-term students have already studied his previous courses. However, there are some new people here as well. If you happen to be in this group, let me give you a piece of advice.
BEFORE studying specific opening lines, you should learn the fundamental chess principles. Otherwise you’ll have to memorize variations mechanically, which is a dull and less productive work.
That’s why before studying the opening course; he would recommend that you learn one of the base courses:
  • The Grandmaster’s SecretsLINK or
  • The Grandmaster’s Positional UnderstandingLINK
Again, he understand that buying a few courses together may be expensive. That’s why he’ll provide 15% discount for the above 2 courses (you may pick the one you like better).
While placing your order, please indicate the discount coupon BASE15. This will automatically cut 15% off the price.
Time for Action
Let me remind you that all of these special offers will only last until the 2nd of November.


Saturday, 26 October 2013

GM Igor Smirnov's NEW COURSE - GrandMasters Opening Lab - 2


GM Igor has revealed the date of release of his new courses. It is releasing on 28th Oct 2013. Read what GM Igor said now....

Today I’ll provide more details about the new opening course (which will be released on October 28th). Also we’ll discuss opening preparation in general.
The opening stage is quite important, because if you don’t play it well, you will lose sooner than you can demonstrate your middlegame/endgame skills. :)
There are a lot of opening tutorials that show what moves you should play. However, that’s only a part of opening preparation.
The opening stage lasts for 15-20 moves and on every move both opponents can play around 10 different logical moves. Ultimately this generates many thousands (perhaps millions) of variations. Of course there’s no way for us to analyze and remember them all.
1)    If your opening preparation is excellent, it may work for you maybe in 50% of your opening moves.
2)    However, very often you’ll face unknown positions, where you need to find correct moves by yourself. That’s another 50% of opening moves you’ll need to play.
That’s why I developed the new opening course that will help you master BOTH of these components.
In comments for the previous lesson (LINK) 1 person described the difference between the new opening course and my previous course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”. He did it excellently, so let me just re-publish that comment.
Since I’m an owner of The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory, let me see if I can answer this for you.
The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory is designed to provide you with a complete opening repertoire on the Grandmaster’s level and make your pre-game preparation extremely effective.
This new companion course, The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory 2 (which complements the first course), addresses the question, “How do Grandmaster’s detect the best opening moves and variations?”
As opposed to “openings knowledge,” which entails vast amounts of study and memorization of theory, this course is more about developing your “openings understanding.”
Thus instead of being a mere fleshy robot that plays its moves unthinkingly, this course gives us the opportunity to think more “independently,” or perhaps more precisely, to think more like a Grandmaster during the opening.
Take Kamsky for instance. USA Champion, a 2700+ player who almost completely ignores opening theory. Nevertheless, he plays very strongly because he knows how to find correct opening moves. I’d like to help you share the same level of chess understanding. That’s 1 HUGE thing that you will learn in the new opening course.
The 2nd thing is a powerful opening repertoire.
The new course complements the openings from “GM’s Openings Laboratory”; it contains:
1)    New openings which were not included in the previous course (for instance the English opening).
2)    Alternative openings/variations that will widen your opening repertoire. For example, in the previous course I provided the Ruy Lopez. It’s a very good opening indeed, but sometimes you may prefer to play in more aggressive style. That’s why in the new course I’ve provided a powerful alternative for the Ruy Lopez.
3)    For some of the openings from the previous opening course I’ve provided more analysis and explanations. Thus you’ll become a big expert in them.
Now we come to the sweetest part. When I release a new course, I’ll make “special offers” during the first few days. Thus my long-term students will be able to get the best conditions.
This time the “special offers” will last from 28 October till 2 November.
1)    There will be a special discounted price.
 2)   There’s a BONUS of my personal support during the course’s study for the first 50 buyers.
Normally when I make private lessons, it costs 100usd / per hour, and I do it very exceptionally (only for my friends and very long-term students). The quickest 50 guys will get it for free! I like fast and competitive people. :)
While studying the new course, they will send me their questions, and I’ll answer them (via e-mail or by recording a video – depending on the question).
The next 100 buyers will also get these materials, but will not be able to send me their questions.
Thus, in total, the first 150 buyers will get a BONUS. It’s not too much compared to 20,000+ of my subscribers, but “the winners take it all”, right? :)
Victory is mine!
Maybe there will be some other special bonuses as well, but I’m not sure about it yet.
New opening course will be released on 28 October (Monday) at 5pmUkrainian time.
Note: you can see Ukrainian time here: LINK
So, don't miss this great OFFERS, Checkout this blog to get the coures :)

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Professional Opening Preparation

Hello chess friends,
“By the time a player becomes a Grandmaster, almost all of his training time is dedicated to work on this first phase. The opening is the only phase that holds out the potential for true creativity and doing something entirely new.”
                      –  Garry Kasparov

As you all know, the opening stage in a chess game is the basic and the important stage too. When a player plays strong opening moves, and follows the basic opening principles, he will be having a pleasant middlegame and will be in a comfortable position to make plan in middlegame and go ahead.
Even sometimes, the moves which you make in the opening stage – for example some pawn moves, in endgame, that maybe advantageous for you if it is converted to a passed pawn or controlling good square and sometimes maybe disadvantageous for you if it is isolated.
So we can conclude that everything we play in the opening stage is important. So if we prepare for the opening stage well, then our chess game will automatically be better and easy.
So let us see this video from GM Igor Smirnov about “Professional Opening Preparation”.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Become an Endgame Expert

How to win in modern chess?
In a chess game you should attack an opponent’s weakest square. Likewise in a preparation you should “attack” an opponent’s weakest side.
Hit in the WEAKEST point!
The majority of modern chess players do NOT have a real (deep) strategic understanding. They can attack and use tactics. However, even titled players are often weak in strategic positions.
Computer engines can show you the move, but they cannot EXPLAIN it. That’s why players know how to play, but don’t UNDERSTAND it! Smile
So, how do we use our opponents’ low level of chess understanding to our advantage?You should go into an endgame!
An Endgame Is A Clear Strategy!
In the opening and middlegame stage concrete (sudden) tactical variations often determine the situation. In an endgame you should use only your strategic understanding.
That is why a majority of players do NOT know what to do in an endgame at all! 
Even modern Grandmasters have tremendous problems here.
An Endgame Improvement
Amplifies Your Positional Play Automatically.
This all has to do with a strategic understanding.
Remember the famous endgame masters: Capablanca, Flohr, Smyslov, Karpov, Kramnik…They all have a crystal-clear caliber of playing.They all almost never make mistakes. They all almost never lose games in the opening.
Their deep strategic understanding prevents them from making mistakes! They attained this understanding while perfecting the endgame skills!
That is whyCapablanca recommended to start learning chess from the endgame phase!Endgame expertise bears positive influence on all other parts of your game as well.

Win Easily - 1